COS Book Club

"There are no hot lights shining in my eyes, no microphones being held up to my face, and no screaming media people barraging me with questions. It's just you and me."

**Spoiler alert!**

If you haven’t read David Archuleta’s book, Chords of Strength, yet, you might want to avert your eyes and return to the home page. If you have read it and want to share your impressions, thoughts, feelings or favourite parts, you’ve come to the right place.

As more readers get a chance to finish the book, we’ll be adding to this main post, but please feel free to comment below.

I read the book straight through in two sittings … couldn’t put it down. I started out thinking I’d stick Post-it notes beside my favourite parts, but quickly realized I’d have to cover the whole dang thing!

My biggest hope for the book was that it would capture David’s unique voice, his Davidness … and boy does it ever. That said, there are definitely some phrases and descriptions here and there that likely came from the ghostwriter (can’t quite picture David penning “exponentially more extreme” (p. 38), but who knows). Overall, however, this is definitely David’s story told David’s way.

My favourite parts are when he talks about the spiritual power of music and the communion between singer and live audience. Goosebumps, baby, goosebumps.

And I also loved the insights he offers into the nature of fandom. These are mysteries we’ve been struggling with for two years, and to know that he’s been asking the same questions and actually arriving at some fairly astute conclusions, left me reeling … I had to reread those pages again and again. In fact, I need to read the whole thing again.

How about you? Is it what you expected? Did it hold any surprises for you? Do you have one favourite part? Two? 65?

11 Responses to COS Book Club

  1. TOfan says:

    Bringing this over from the main thread:

    From SilverFox:

    I read David’s book “Chords of Strength” over the weekend. I learned a lot about David’s early years in Florida. Things I didn’t know and was surprised about his mom’s aspirations when she, her mom & her siblings first came to America in search of a better life. I figured David’s dad was always the one who gave David “pointers” about music & singing, but didn’t realize how much his dad and also his mom were instrumental in shaping and bringing out the genius in David. David made it quite evident throughout the book his dad is the one he credits and thanks the most with what he learned about music. I began to realize David’s siblings may also be very talented in their own right as they were also brought up in the same environment. However just as we see David now, his parents also saw David was special and particularly blessed with something more than just a voice.

    David made it a point not to mention many other people who may have helped him along the way and who were part of the journey up to, during and after American Idol. Perhaps he thought it best not to, than to possibly “miss” someone & cause hurt feelings. Just like David to think that way. But this is IMO, of course.

    There’s so much more in the book. He goes into much detail about his experience “backstage & behind closed doors” during AI, nothing scandalous, just some surprises & some not so surprising. I am amazed he had the strength at 16-17 to get through it all. What he had was perseverance, faith & prayer, something we all need at times. I was one who growing up didn’t have or believe like David. How I wish I had someone like David in my life when I was a teen.

    The level of his maturity and his understanding of what is important in life is inspiring and overwhelming. Many kids his age aspire to be “stars” in order to get rich, buy “things” and live the life of a “celebrity”. David aspires to be the best he can be at whatever path God leads him. If anyone is waiting for David to “fall from grace”, as so many celebrities do, they may as well give it up. David has an undeniable strength of character and it will help him lead an exemplary life for the rest of his life. Of this, I have no doubt. He is an amazing young man, an old soul with a heart of gold. I’m proud to be one of his fans. My only wish is that my kids & grand-kids could see David the way I do. That will always be my wish, but alas like so many others who are blind to the genuine goodness and the amazing talent of David, they will always have tunnel vision. Perhaps it’s just a matter of time when David will give us music that will have those who don’t yet “see” the David we do, to finally understand. I hope so.

    I watched David on Good Day NY. He looked great though a little like he didn’t get a lot of sleep. Who could? Today is another milestone in his career. We know his sis Jazzy is there. Hope that means the rest of his family are there as well. He needs to be able to share this day with those he loves most. 🙂

    Have a great day Snow Angelz! Hope everyone enjoys sharing a “one on one” with David through his book “Chords of Strength”.

  2. refnaf says:

    Gosh, so many fave parts…. TOfan> what you said about “mysteries we’ve been struggling with for two years, and to know that he’s been asking the same questions and actually arriving at some fairly astute conclusions, left me reeling …” The fact that he “gets” us as much as we get him…. I’m … well, amazed and grateful…. and need to read again.

  3. abanana77 says:

    Finally read it. I don’t even have words. I also couldn’t put it down. I found that I was so into the book, reading everything he had to say, when I would see a picture of him on the next page it would kind of snap me out of it and I would be like “oh – this is David”. Like obviously I never forgot it was him but I don’t know. It kind of made me see him as more of a real person. It was bizarre.

    I love love loved the whole thing. Especially the parts about when he was younger, and how he grew up. One part that really hit me was when he was talking about when his mom had a stillborn baby and he wrote “I wonder if he likes to sing”. That sentence made me stop. I reread that like 10 times. That one sentence says alot to me about how he thinks and what he believes. Not “would have liked to sing” but “LIKES”. I have been thinking about that one sentence nonstop since I read it…

    I have so much more to say but can’t remember right now! Haha maybe I need a reread!

  4. peppertara says:

    Really enjoyed reading the comments here, there is just so much you can say about the book!

    Reading David’s book , like the rest of you, was pure delight and joy for me. There are so many quotes by David in the book that just made me stop and think..this is coming from a 19 yr old young man. I could only think that David has learned and realized in his 19 yrs of life, so many important principles in life and he applies them well. I can honestly say that he knows and understands more at his age than many people come to know in their lifetimes. He is a pretty wise and wonderful young man.
    Inspiring….definitely. Humorous, joyful, sad, honest, sincere and captivating. I just loved it. I know I will re-read it again and again I am sure. These parts really stood out for me (there are many of course):

    “I strongly believe that fame brings with it the opportunity to help other people. You can use your name for the purpose of doing good, as opposed to just being Tabloid material all the time. You can actually make a difference. I feel that all celebrities should take this responsibility seriously and take advantage of their position to spread positive messages. I hold this as a top priority as I move further along in my career; whatever status I have will be as much for others as it is for myself, because fame is nothing without generosity and kindness.”

    And how about this, such sweetness:
    “And remember, even if you can’t sing, you can always plant a tree”….
    Thank you David, I was never very musical but yes I can plant a tree!

    Even the acknowledgments in the back of the book were very heartfelt. The last paragraph for the fans…..well, pretty wonderful.

  5. colleen says:

    What I LUVED most about David’s book is that while I was reading it, I felt like he was right in the room with me…I was sad when I finished…I wanted it to go on and on and on…. ! 🙂

  6. Leah says:

    i haven’t finished the book yet but I am almost done. I really like this book a lot. He has a lot of the same priciples and believes in the same things as me (God and His wonderful power). He is definetly someone I would want to become friends with. I like how he keeps reminding us that he dosen’t care about fame or money. He likes the feeling he gets when he performes for an audience. He likes that connection. The connection is more powerful to him than being famous. He is just a over all sweet, humble and genuine guy. He would never do anyting bad.

  7. Kirsten says:

    I have been through Chords of Strength twice, and I absolutely love it. However, I am trying to find where the quote on the back came from, because it’s not in the book. I figure it was probably from an interview or something. Any ideas?

    • peppertara says:

      Late reply here..
      Kirsten….I absolutely adore the quote on the back of the book too and I am under the impression that it was meant for the book but probably was decided to put it on the outside of the book on the back cover. It certainly draws your attention and interest.
      This part says it all so beautifully from David….”There are no hot lights shining in my eyes, no microphone being held up to my face, and no screaming media people barraging me with questions. It’s just you and me.”
      How can you not love that.

      • Kirsten says:

        peppertara – Thanks for replying to me! I agree 100% with everything you said. Maybe at some point I’ll write a review of the book that’s more than “I absolutely love it.” There are so many wonderful aspects of the book that it’s hard to put into words or decide where to begin. My third time through might be my slowest, just so I can take it all in. Plus, I am SO EXCITED for the next album!

  8. Victoria says:

    I haven’t read the whole book but up to now it has been inspiring and interesting to read all the experiences he’s had with his singing career. I was able to go to his book signings and get two copies signed yey!! and hear him sing for the first time it was so amazing-0- Saw him in person for the first time and he is sooooooo much better looking in person so cute and beautiful eyes!!!

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