Both sides now: The David Foster question

Kaleidoscopelogo-contentOn Monday, Nov. 16th, David Archuleta will perform three Christmas songs at the live taping of the Kaleidoscope event — “an evening of skating, song and survivorship — in Washington, D.C. The program, which was created to raise awareness of key issues surrounding women and cancer, will be broadcast on FOX on November 26 at 4 p.m. ET (immediately following the football telecast).

This event will also feature Vancouver’s David Foster — winner of 15 Grammy Awards, 7 Junos, an Emmy, three Oscar nominations, and the Order of Canada — whose name often comes up when discussions of possible “dream producers” for David arise.

Would he be a good fit for David? Two SnowAngelz weigh in on both sides of the discussion:

David squared. (Credit:

David Foster FTW!

David Foster is a 60-year-old Canadian-born musician, songwriter, music producer who, for decades, has propelled many an artist to stardom.  As a songwriter and music producer, he is noted for discovering such singers as Celine Dion, Josh Groban and Michael Bublé, along with producing some of the most successful artists in the world (Barbra Streisand, Whitney Houston, Al Jarreau, Rod Stewart) in genres ranging from R&B to pop to classical to gospel to adult-contemporary.

Other highlights of Foster’s career include:

  • Movie song credits: Love Theme from St. Elmo’s Fire, I Have Nothing from The Body Guard,
  • TV appearances: Popstars, American Idol, Nashville Star, Princes of Malibu (reality TV show), Oprah
  • 1988 – Winter Games; Can You Feel It – Official theme song for the Calgary 1988 Winter Olympics

For David Archuleta to have the opportunity to work with someone of Foster’s vast experience could only be a positive thing, imo.  It would seem to me that Foster’s ability to be successful in writing for and producing such a variety of artists shows his instinct for identifying the core of an artist’s musical centre — what makes him/her tick. This leads to being able to provide the proper song/production in order to draw out the best from each artist. — Awestruck

DavidFosterandFriendsDavid Foster, not so much….

Don’t get  me wrong, I love David Foster. He’s a brilliant producer, talented songwriter, and a funny, charming, nice guy, from all accounts. And, hey, he is Canadian. I love that he produced the “Tears are Not Enough” record to raise funds for the Ethiopian famine, and I saw the documentary of the making of the record a bunch of times. (My favourite part is when he says to Neil Young. “Neil, could we do another take, I think you were a little flat.” And Neil replies, “Hey man, that’s my style.”)

That said, check out the names on this poster for his current “David Foster & Friends” tour. The youngest one there is Charice — yes, she’s younger than David, but her style makes her seem light years older. I can’t help but think Foster had a hand in grooming her in the old-fashioned Whitney/Mariah/Celine diva style, which the divas themselves have long since abandoned. I also remember, during A.I., watching a Good Morning America interview with Foster, where he speculated that David would never make it as a pop artist, only as a Grobanesque balladeer. That told me he didn’t “get” David’s potential at all. Could I be wrong? Could Foster be the ideal producer for David? Sure … when he’s 40.

So what do you think? Would an ArchuFoster project be magnificent? Or meh? And which CFTH songs would you most like to hear at Kaleidoscope??

P.S. Here’s a great CBC interview with Foster where he talks about his music, family and philanthropy:

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84 Responses to Both sides now: The David Foster question

  1. munkmusic says:

    awestruck, thanks so much for the great post. It was really thought provoking! After thinking about both sides of the David Foster issue, I think the thing that I would like the most is that David Foster would have some genuine respect and appreciation for our David’s immense talent. David can sing anything. I think he will blow us all away….again….with his next pop album. He is doing his own music and creating his own path. And I believe he is the best thing to come along in the music industry in a long while. I hope “our David” opens David Fosters eyes today!

  2. awestruck says:

    munkmusic – interesting to listen to the CBC interview right at the beginning the interviewer acknowledges that Foster has done a thousand things. He then says, though, that Foster is best known for elevator music/smaltz rock. Foster agreed. Certainly Kaleidoscope fits that mold. I wouldn’t call it smaltz though. So, certainly this – by his own admission – is what Foster does best, however his track record does reveal his diversity.

    I think that David will blow Foster away tonight with his singing. In experiencing Foster in this event, David will be able to learn from and adapt to his own style some of Foster’s genius. What I would hope for is that Foster would follow David’s career and, at some point, acknowledge that David shares the same versatility that he has. Only then would a collaboration between the two – outside of ‘smaltz’ – be successful.

  3. refnaf says:

    Im still swinging from the vines and thinking theta waves (bebe, I think I will actually go to the park today with my dpod and have a twirl).

    Weighing in on this makes me realize how little attention I have paid to the music industry and what’s involved it it. I would listen to music in the background and either like it or not. so another David learning curve for me.
    If David Foster can bring out 10% more in Davids’ Voice, all I can say is amen. Can You imagine that? I reallly liked thim in this interview and agree that David singing will blow him away.

    Have a blast tonight KT, you lucky angelz.

  4. refnaf says:

    The songs I’d like to hear…. , I think HYAMLC would work so well with skating, but really, anything would on the CFH would tickle me.

  5. awestruck says:

    refnaf – “Weighing in on this makes me realize how little attention I have paid to the music industry and what’s involved it it. I would listen to music in the background and either like it or not. so another David learning curve for me.
    ” ditto I had to do a bit of research!

    I love ice skating, so the combo of it with David singing is win win for me.

    Looking forward to your updates KT

  6. TOfan says:

    I’m getting all misty thinking about David singing at the Kaleidoscope event.

    I don’t know if it’s a Canadian thing or what, but I’ve always LoVeD skating, to watch and to do. I’m a rink rat from way back, and some of my happiest university memories are skating the Rideau Canal to Carleton to get to class. I’m usually glued to every Olympic telecast, and even had a Dorothy Hamill haircut back in high school, lol.

    As cheesy as all that sounds, I still think David Foster’s too cheesy for our David, sorry. If David ever does another Christmas record, however, he might be the perfect person for the job, who knows?

    I’d loooove to hear Riu Riu Chiu and Pat-a-Pan on ice, but I’m with you Ref, anything from CFTH will do!

  7. Kizzi says:

    Great post Awestruck.

    I’ve never been a Foster music fan but I admire his drive, career and success.

    I agree that eventually someone will pair with David who will package David’s artistry as it is meant to be presented. As always, I wanted it yesterday and not tomorrow. 🙂

    Apparently David is singing “Silent Night” in the “Kaleidoscope” show according to a tweet from Ashley Wagner who is skating to it ——->

    And ref, I am so happy that he is singing a song from CFTH and one that is so special for you! WooHoo to Infinity and Beyond!

  8. Kizzi says:

    Ashley skating at the Worlds Junior Championship this year. Just Beautiful!

  9. KT says:

    Awestruck. I will give your article the proper time to read and enjoy a little later. Right now, I am just stoked to be going downtown and meet some David friends and go to Kaleidoscope. It should be all kinds of awesomage!!!!!!!!!!

  10. refnaf says:

    eeeeeeeee KT, so exciting!
    Silent Night< kizzi I am ready for another rendition!

  11. Kizzi says:

    Oh, KT…it sounds so wonderful! I can’t wait to hear about your experience. No pics or vids I am sure.

  12. TOfan says:

    Latest tweet & twitpic from intrepid SnowAngelz reporter KT!

    Let’s get this skating celebration started! with @DavidArchie!

  13. Abrra says:

    I will comment on the topic in another post, but I have to say this before I forget. There is an error on the Our Video songs cd I made and gave out at the recent shows.

    I am sorry that I missed the fact that “Everything You Are” is only :36. So, here is what I will do. I fixed the file and now all the songs are on a revised CD. They are all complete songs . I am so sorry. I should have looked at the track time on each file. I do play test them , but I don’t play them all the way through.

    I will bring a bunch of replacements to the 4 shows I will be attending for the next tour. I will be at Foxwoods, Stroudsberg, Boston and Westbury. If you don’t plan to be at any of those shows, I will be making Christmas Tour Live Cd. I will send the video songs cd along with that Christmas Cd to those who request . I hope this makes sense 🙂


  14. happy says:

    what a fun discussion, I hope you’re not done by the time I have a chance to get back and comment… running off again, and I didn’t even get a chance to read the comments~ just the article! …. 🙂

  15. Abrra says:

    Our dear friend , Angelica, recent told me I was like Switzerland when it comes to conflicting sides of an issue in the blogosphere. In true form, I agree with both sides in this discussion.

    Many times in the past 2 years, David took a chance by doing work with many divergent areas in the entertainment world. Guest shots on Disney shows to performing a song for the Build-A-Bear company. Presenting at awards shows as well as performing as an honoree at ALMA. There were as many fan opinions PRO as there were CON, on some of these decisions. David made the decision to do each of these jobs. He seems to have come out no worse for doing what he felt was in his best interest.

    I am in agreement that anytime David Foster extends and invitation for David to perform, it should be considered and decided on its merits as David sees them. I sense that TOfan might fear that Mr. Foster would get his “hooks” into David and the attempt to reshape his style. I will call it “Fosterize”. Rest assured that when David does NOT want to work on a project. He turns it down. He is a strong individual. Where his career is concerned, he would not compromise his reputation. In short , he doesn’t sing what he doesn’t feel.

    I hope David has a great time at this benefit. He continues to make music industry contacts that can he can draw on in the future.


  16. awestruck says:

    I agree Abrra – valid concerns on both sides. I happen to especially agree that David has a strong enough will to evaluate each offer on the basis of its musical influence. I do not every seeing Foster or anyone else, for that matter, getting their “hooks” into him and persuading him in any musical direction in which he does not want to go.
    Random, maybe, but reminds me of the Kathy Griffin backstage you tube video where he ‘turns’ on Kathy and asks her a question.

  17. TOfan says:

    Abrra, you’re right about my fear of “Fosterizing,” lol.

    And while I agree with both you & Awestruck that David is confident and capable enough to reject such schmaltzification, I suppose my biggest reservation about Foster as a producer for David is that I see him as a throwback to the past in music, whereas I see David very much as a beacon for the future.

    It will be very interesting to see Foster’s reaction to hearing David live tonight at the Kaleidoscope event (esp. since his “protegée” Kat McPhee is also there) … he might realize he backed the wrong “Idol.” Foster is a legend in the business for good reason … he is an ace at spotting unparalleled talent and he could very well be an excellent connection to make for many reasons … just not as his producer, imo. 🙂

    (Love that vid, Awestruck … just as David showed Kathy some moves that day, I think he’ll show Foster some tonight!)

    Happy, can’t wait to hear your take on it all!

  18. TOfan says:

    Hot off Twitter (SPOILER ALERT: last link is audio!!!!)

    @muldur Holy cow!!!!!!!!!! Silent night!! Richards arrangement and davids voice!!! It was so beautiful!!!!

    @327dauta: Silent night was heaven!

    @zerogravity1: I’m shaking!!! He was pure perfection!!! Hit every note w/ so much intensity!! We got video!

    @jjayj AudioBoo: David Archuleta – Silent Night

  19. TOfan says:

    First Noël, again SPOILER ALERT: Last one is audio!!!:

    @zerogravity1: The hummmminggggggggg!!!! Holy Smokes!!!!! Hold meeeeee!!!!! The Angels did singgggggggg!!!

    @GWizPromotions @davidarchie gotta get your christmas cd amazing

    @kimak – First Noel!!!

    @djhsail: That was awesome. instrumental track but not the backing vocals. New runs in TFN.

    @327dauta: Saw people faces – all in awe.

    @KTI2008: Ashley fell on the ice during Silent Nite. David had a look of such empathy while he was still singing
    Eeek I have video of David’s songs but atlas no YouTube account haha

    @jenleighbarry The First Noel still have nothing else to say…

  20. refnaf says:

    Christmas concerts !!! CAN NOT WAIT
    Hope we see vids of this!

  21. awestruck says:

    I SOOO love it when I hear how well David performs. Proud, though I have no right to be.

  22. awestruck says:

    Pat-a-Pan please for his last number?!?

  23. refnaf says:

    We can be proud awestruck, proud to be his fans.
    yes please to pat-a-pan

  24. TOfan says:

    Zut! Alors! PAT-A-PAAAAAN!!! Tu-re-lu-re-luuuuuuu!!!:

    KTI2008 Ok that was crazy gooid. Unbelievable!!!!!!

    @saramariaj HE SANG PAT A PANNNN HOLLLLLY SH*****T

    @xpicturetoburn HE. IS. SINGING. IN. FRENCH. <3333333333

    @KTI2008 Had to redo French part twice bc of music malfunction yes!!!!

    @KTI2008 David sitting in our row enjoying show
    David taking his own pics

    @jjayj: AudioBoo: David Archuleta – French Carol

  25. refnaf says:

    EEeee awestruck… I hope this means he will do Pat-a-pan on tour.

  26. betsyjaney says:

    ref and tofan!! Am so excited about Pat a Pan! Hope to hear it on tour.

  27. silverfox says:

    Just checking in to make sure David’s Snow Angelz are just alive!

    David again exceeded my expectations. He was amazing!

  28. silverfox says:

    Meant to say STILL alive..

    I think David kinda kilt me daid!

    Sweet Dreams Snow Angelz!

  29. refnaf says:

    (((hugs))) betsy and SF. What an exciting night. Seems like there may be vids!! Tomorrow I hope.

    TOfan you got that pic of David with Foster up quick, lol.

  30. awestruck says:

    YES refnaf proud to be his fans!

    OH that ending to pap, my word

    I think he will sing it on tour, here’s hoping anyway.

  31. TOfan says:

    LOL, Ref, you’re not the only ninja! heheh

    Love this tweet:
    @zerogravity1 David was jammin’ to Tonight’s Gonna Be a Good Night w/ all the kiddies! So archudorable!!! Dying!!!

    *says a pagan prayer to youTube*

    SF … barely! LOL

    Betsy, Pat-a-Pan FTW!!! (although if he does that ending on tour they’ll need to stock up on stretchers!) 😆

  32. djxox says:

    here ya go..WARNING ATTACHED!!

    Pat-A-Pan at Kaleidoscope ~~

  33. djxox says:

    The First Noel~ thanks to xopiinkprincess

  34. djxox says:


    the First Noel….

  35. djxox says:

    and Silent Night… (credit to xopiinkprincess)

  36. djxox says:

    we are all….DAID…….. 😯

  37. Abrra says:

    “@KTI2008: Ashley fell on the ice during Silent Nite. David had a look of such empathy while he was still singing
    Eeek I have video of David’s songs but atlas no YouTube account haha”

    BLASTPHEMY! I tell you !! 😉


  38. Kizzi says:

    Spoiler Alert **********************

    I am sitting on the balcony in Bermuda with a balmy breeze blowing off the Atlantic and watched the sunrise as I listened to the Kaleidoscope performance sipping French Roast. What a perfect blend of visual, audio, tactile and taste.

    Absolutely gorgeous songs! I am looking forward to seeing the show on Thanksgiving….one more thing to be grateful for.

    Pat-A-Pan – oh la la, that soulful ending. Loved how they did the track with David’s background vocals and he gave us his soulfulness…I can only imagine the variations we will have if Pat-A-Pan is one of his tour songs – what a gem that David will polish again and again with each performance and show us new facet after new facet

    Silent Night – Ref, I think of you when he sings this and your reaction when you heard it for the first time. Listening through your eyes was a treat. The brief close ups of his face during the performance were so telling. I love the eye brows arching and the eye’s closed when he sings “Jesus Lord..” and “Christ the Savior is Lord….” So poignant and heart felt.

    Still digesting First Noel.

    Happy Tuesday SnowAngelz from Bermuda!


  39. Kizzi says:

    dj – thanks for the videos!

    Here is another Pat-A-Pan – videographer stayed on the big screen it appears most of the time

  40. Kizzi says:

    Silent Night from daai09

  41. Kizzi says:

    First Noel – from daai09

  42. refnaf says:

    Wowzers…. no time to dwell with these vids, be back after work, meh. Have a great day angelz.

  43. KT says:

    Oh my…what a night. I am still collecting my thoughts. Glad their are videos up as it takes the pressure off of me to get mine up although I will.
    Just amazing…

    Oh Abrra…no need to be too harsh…just having a little fun… I will establish a youtube account in your honor and call it Abrra the Spammer!

  44. TOfan says:

    djxox & kizzi, thanks for the vids … it’s interesting that David didn’t sing any of the three songs that Jive released to radio stations.

    Pat-a-Pan is clearly a personal favourite of his … and with his great taste and musical instincts, Jive would be wise to get behind it! (Canada loves it already! bien sûr) David Foster’s instincts aren’t too shabby either 😉 so maybe he could be some help there, after all!

    Kaleidoscope mp3s (courtesy of xopiinkprincess):

    Silent Night
    The First Noel

  45. TOfan says:


    Yes, please collect your thoughts! Can’t wait to hear every detail!

    Thanks for your tweet-casting! Almost as exciting as being there… ok, not really, LOL.

  46. KT says:

    Collecting my thoughts obviously precludes me from using proper English…

    Above should read: “Glad there are…”

  47. SandyBeaches says:

    I almost decided yesterday that perhaps I would not make the long trek across North America to Utah. How I ended up with tickets to his first concert I really don’t know…Perhaps I was sleepwalking and found my way to the pc. I once commented that I would never find myself in the Chicago airport again as it is a busy, confusing city in itself.

    Well…I have watched the videos sans orchestra and choir and how beautiful it was. So, I guess that I will take myself like an Eeyore through two days of travel for two hours of David singing. That includes of course the VIP!

    My husband bought me a US cell phone last week while he was in the US with 200 minutes on it! I am going to call SF when I get into my seat and share David singing at another momentous occassion…

    If there is anything that anyone would like me to pass along to David at the first Christmas VIP, let me know…I can talk fast!

    I wish that I could be taking everyone along with me!

    So, if at the last minute anyone wants to hop on board, there is an extra VIP ! I always carry a spare!


  48. stenocruiser says:

    Hi to my fellow Canucks (and honourary ones). Well now, wasn’t that a momentous evening of performances by David? To see and hear that he just keeps getting better and better — we thought he was already perfect, silly us eh? How many degrees of perfection are there anyway? Oh, the future, the future — what can we expect — note to self: look after health, have to stay around as long as possible.

  49. vee60 says:

    Good morning from Sydney.
    before anything else, don’t you love our David. I can’t wait to see YT videos of the Christmas tour.

    Kizzi, about the new Kaleidoscope videos, would it be possible that you change the source as daai08 rather than daai09?

    I posted early morning in THE VOICE site and made some mistakes in thanking the owner of the YT videos MOV01025 and MOV0124. Please change the names 09 to 08.

    Wish I can fly to the US and see even one of the many Christmas concerts. for those attending VIP, please tell David, he has a fan in Sydney Australia who loves his voice so much, if you can talk while looking at those emerald coloured eyes.

  50. Kizzi says:

    He-llo-ooooo Vee {{{{Hugs}}}}

    Thanks for the heads up on the typo. Actually, I did that on my own; obviously you posted it that way somewhere too – jinx – 🙂

  51. awestruck says:

    Abrra – KT – Your vid’s and recaps will enjoyed whenever you get them done! No worries.

    SB – enjoy, hearing David sing Chirstmas songs live will be worth it.

    Hi stenocruiser – those Kalerdoscope performances show new runs etc. especially that p-a-p ending, to die for. It always amazes me to think that his career is just beginning, and will I be around for it all?!?

    Hey Vee – Kizzi, I’ve changed the reference to 09. I’ll try my best to tell him about you, though no guarentees.
    Vee, it will be my first time meeting him and I don’t know how I will react. Could be that I’ll freeze and not be able to utter a word!

  52. TOfan says:

    hey stenocruiser! “note to self: look after health, have to stay around as long as possible” lol

    SB, that will be a show to remember, you won’t regret it! Give us an ArchuCall too if you can!!

    Thanks, Vee! *waves to Sydney*

    After David’s tweet about filming a Christmas song at a Harlem school (to be aired on Dec. 10 on Univision) … “My first Spanish network performance!” … I’m (a) hoping for Riu Riu Chiu and (b) trying to find out if that station airs anywhere in Canada. No luck yet, will keep you posted.

    Article in U.K.’s The Guardian called “Is the X-Factor Killing Pop,” with interesting parallels to A.I.:

  53. Abrra says:

    Please learn how to conference your call to SF? I am able to have 5 others on the line with me. You would make 4 others very happy 😉


    • SandyBeaches says:

      Abrra…I will learn at your command, well my oldest daughter the electrical engineer in the family…plays with wires quite successfully…She will be here for a few days and that should do it. I just mentioned to SF that I will do a dry run though…as I will be alone there (well, David will be there) and my skills are laughable!


  54. refnaf says:

    Bebe, yesterday I took a walk and stopped at the playground of my local park. There were several moms with babes and toddlers enjoying the last bit of sunshine. I’m quite sure they thought it strange that a 50 something old woman sans kids
    would take to the swings. I can tell you all> swinging as high as possible with my dpod playing AWHHOH…was euphoric. I think your theory has merit and needs more study. I do believe that this will become part of my daily routine… Theta brain waves FTW. (((kizzI)))

    Thanks for the vid lincs Kizzi and djx!!! So is he Awesome? Have I said that a few times? Are you awestruck, awestruck? (I am)

    steno, thanks for coming by and joining your fellow snowangelz, woot! and heloo vee from down under!

    SB you are in for a great time in SLC! conference call… yes!!!

    Let the Christmas concerts begin!!!

  55. stenocruiser says:

    Oh my goodness! Talked my daughter into going to Ann Arbor and I now have tickets. So this great-grandmother will be seeing David live for the first time. So exciting!

  56. refnaf says:

    Steno!!! That’s awesome!!! Good decision! This is one thing you will not regret, I am sure of it. Be prepared though, once is not enough. We will see you there…

  57. TOfan says:

    Stenocruiser, David live for the first time? Wow!!! That’s great news! Start practising those deep breathing exercises! LOL

    Check out this pic from the Harlem school where David hopefully sang Riu Riu Chiu today! (I love how he’s the tallest one there, lol.)

    Harlem school

  58. janey79 says:

    Sandybeaches, plz contact me if you need a good home for your spare VIP…

  59. Josie says:

    Morning Angelz!! Check out this vid in HD of PAP from KT:

    Be careful 🙂


  60. Josie says:

    BTW-KT? Are you alive?? 🙂 🙂

  61. awestruck says:

    refnaf – I can just picture it… you swinging in the park LOL – they might think there is a pattern across the country if we all try it… being of that certain age and all! Awestruck is not my name for no nuthin’, David never ceases to amaze me – that ending to p-a-p, just WOW Thanks JOSIE for KT”s vid. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is still comatose.

    Mama Lupe looks happy, as does David in the pic TOfan. Apparently Univision is huge in the latin community.

  62. KT says:

    Hi Josie! Yes..barely. I just kept watching it and watching it on my PC… Uploading SN now and more to come after work. I hope you all enjoy it. It was an amazing show.

  63. TOfan says:

    Thanks, Josie!!! trying to embed … so good worth posting twice! omigosh KT … best vid ever!!!

  64. Josie says:

    Hi TOfan! This is so THUD worthy 🙂 Thanks again KT – have a good day and did I see a tweet that you have the other 2 songs too? Sweet!

  65. TOfan says:

    Hey, Josie! {{{hugs}}}

    KT, good thing no one was trying to skate for that one … there’d be quashed quads and tipsy triple axles all over the place! 😆

  66. refnaf says:

    KT, just perfect vids… It must have been a great event to witness!
    Hi janey!!!
    and josie!!
    I am going swinging again today, ha

  67. refnaf says:

    oooppss, like on a playground swing… I recommend it>…

  68. Josie says:

    ROFL REF!! I knew whatcha meant, but gosh, that was funny!

    Have a swing for me while you’re there. When Noni was pregnant with my little sister, I used to ask her to sit on the other swing to “HOLD” the swingset down so I could swing really, really high.

    Happy memories! Can you guys picture NONI?? Ha ha ha

  69. TOfan says:

    I totally can, J.! lol … hugs to the Nonimeister too! Has she washed that TMH “hand” yet? 😆

    Ref, you swinger you … I’m trying to concentrate on work here and you guys are making me spit out coffee all over my keyboard! sheesh….

  70. TOfan says:

    FYI, I’ve updated the Christmas Tour page to include any messages or announcements for anyone wanting to connect with other fans about tickets, venues, pre- or post-concert get-togethers etc. Have fun!

    There’s also a brand new page (Tab up top) where you can read Tour Manager Ray’s message to concert-goers. (Warning: If you thought War & Peace was long… just sayin’. 🙂 )

  71. KT says:

    Oh My Heck these are some massive files…they seem to take an eternity to upload. Nonetheless, Silent Night has reached lift off state and now YT is just doing its thing…whatever that is. So SN should be available soon. *MAJOR CROSSING OF FINGERS*

  72. refnaf says:

    Josie (((noni))) is such a dear, I can picture it. You really all must try swinging to David’s voice, gah…

    KT… waiting (kinda) patiently.

    TOfan, thanks for all you do!

  73. TOfan says:

    Thanks, KT!!! Good things come to those who wait! 🙂

  74. KT says:

    Ugh…it is still processing so some of that “weirdness” should go away as it is not on my version

  75. refnaf says:

    okay angelz I am out of adjectives to describe his talent. Superb, thanks so much for getting this KT.

  76. awestruck says:

    KT – wonderful vid’s, so sharp and clear with great sound. David sounds more than wonderful on the vid and it must have been amazing live.

  77. KT says:

    The SN vid still has issues. Hmm. Can anybody who knows a lot more about YT than me offer suggestions? Should I delete it and start over? It is 1.1gb. Huge! Is there a better way to do it? I don’t like having a video out there that doesn’t represent David in the best way. Should I delete or block access until I come up with a better way?

  78. TOfan says:

    KT, we’re on the case!

    In the meantime, David with choir at school in Harlem for Univision taping … all I can say is Hallelujah!:

    Harlem choir

  79. TOfan says:

    “Back home! Meet Katsu & Tsuki” Vlog:

    More Info:
    Sorry I know that it’s dark, but that was intentional because I haven’t gotten ready today yet and I look really bad lol. But had a fun week! Great to be back home. Katsu and Tsuki are my sisters’ new cats. Exciting haha. Did some fun things this week, and it’s time to start working on the tour!
    Category: People & Blogs
    David Archuleta blog Katsu Tsuki Travis Clark We The Kings Jazzy sisters Peewee Salinas Kaleidoscope DC Christmas tour

  80. Kizzi says:

    KT – your videos are to die for. Can’t wait for TFN…drumming fingers….1.1GB is HUGE! What a great camera – no wonder the clarity of SN and PAP are first rate.

    TOfan – that blog…such a kind and happy young man…at home and having fun with his family…looks like he has gotten into a stride, a routine…his vlogs are always instant happiness. This one has that lightheartedness like the Magic Mirror one.

    So,anyone know what’s with the Japanese names for the kitties…a cartoon, TV series, magna series??…hmmmmmmm

    P.S. I’m baaaccckkkk from Bermuda – the Triangle didn’t get me this time – LOL – 🙂 🙂 🙂

  81. refnaf says:

    Welcome back Kizzi!! Hope you are nicely refreshed!
    New vlog is another of David at his sweetest, he seems so relaxed and comfy, good to see.

  82. silverfox says:

    Wishing all the Snow Angelz Buenas Noches! Sweet dreams!

    Only 5 more days! Only I won’t be there! 😥

  83. refnaf says:

    Morning Angelz, found this interesting interview>

    Working Day for me, have a good one everyone!

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